ETHIOPIA: Travel Diary - Blue Nile Falls

Today we saw the Blue Nile Falls. It is an hours bus ride from Bahir Dar, down a bumpy dirt road through some of the most beautiful country side I have ever seen, and rich in rural Ethiopian culture. We arrive in a village, and have to walk for a about 15 minutes through village and pasture, among local and cattle. We reach a river and are ferried across on a dodgy old boat. We walk some more. No more village, but still villagers and cattle. We walk
a path through green fields, straddled by maize plantations and dotted with patches of yellow marigold. Rising from the fields of grass and wheat are the most magnificent trees, that
stand as sentinels in the expanse of greenery. Rising above them are the most beautiful peaks, rolling hills that cascade off into the distance. And every step we take the roar gets louder . . .

The Breathtaking Blue Nile Falls

Wow, Blue Nile Falls - breathtaking, spirit-moving, awe inspiring. . .