ETHIOPIA: Travel Diary - Day 1 and I'm Smitten

"Ethiopia has stolen a piece of my heart! Day 1, and Im smitten! Its the people, really it is. Its beautiful here, extremely beautiful. But just as beautiful as all of Africa is. Its the people, and the culture . . .the hospitality and the ethos. . . and its all so genuine, sincere. Every one I met is passionate about Ethiopia, and sharing it with the world. . . hells, I'm passionate bout Ethiopia, and I just want to share it with all of you. Coming here I expected to be
taken back, I expected to enjoy the marvels of a new experience. What I never anticipated was how head of heels I would fall so immediately in love with the place. Wow,

Ethiopia is something special, more than you can imagine, more than you can prepare for . . .